Company Info


Controlling Engineer

Location: ,
Job Category: Array
Job ID: 329373
Employment Type: Employee
Salary: per month
Posted: 02.17.2019


Job Description:

1. Project Preparation Phase:
· Edit and modify Drawings and documents to
ensure data integrity
· Keep and control all drawings of the project
· Prepare drawings and documentation logs as
directed by Construction Manager
· Assist Construction Manager with required
projects details
· To be involved in the project master time schedule
· Document controlling
2 . Project Construction Phase
· Collect all data or photos from the site
· Prepare required Reports for the project
· Cost controlling
· Time controlling
· Assets inventory
· Document controlling
3 . Project Maintenance Phase
· Contracts controlling
· Prepare required Reports for the project
· Cost controlling
· Time controlling
· Assets inventory
· Document controlling

Job Requirements: